This section gives access to information about policies that relate to the academy in general. For further information about publications that are available please follow this link: Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme

How we use personal information about students and who we may pass the information onto is detailed in the Privacy Notice. Please follow this link: Parents and Pupils Privacy Notice

If you require a paper version of any of the documents within the scheme, please contact the academy by telephone, email or letter. Contact details are set out below.
Email: The Principal’s Office
Telephone: (01295) 251451
Contact Address: Futures Institute Banbury, Ruskin Road, Banbury, Oxon OX16 9HY

To help us process your request quickly. Please mark any correspondence “PUBLICATION SCHEME REQUEST” (in CAPITALS please)

If the information you are looking for is not available you can still contact the academy to ask if we have it.

Our Policies

Accessibility Plan Sept 2023-26

Admissions Policy September 2021-22

Admissions Policy September 2022-23

Admissions Policy September 2023-24

Admissions Policy September 2024-25

Anti-Bullying Policy 2024

Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy 2024-25

Charging and Remissions Policy May 2023-25

Complaints Policy Sept 2023-25

Data Protection and GDPR Policies and Privacy Notices are available on our Statutory Information page

Equality Information Objectives Policy July 2022-26

Music Development Plan

Promoting British Values

Provider Access Statement

Relationships Sex and Health Education Policy Sept 2024

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy Appendix A

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023/24

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report 2024-25

SEND Policy June 2024

Suspension and Permanent Exclusions Policy 2024-25

Uniform Policy Sept 2024 – ongoing

Whistleblowing Policy 2023

Where next

Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to Futures Institute Banbury, a small school by design, located in a region that is home to world-famous employers at the leading edge of…

Welcome from the Principal

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