Life in Banbury Aspirations Campus Sixth Form


Academic Support

At Banbury Aspirations Campus Sixth Form we are focused on ensuring all students receive clear monitoring and support through their time in Sixth Form, to ensure they achieve their very best. All students’ termly assessments are tracked with input from subject teachers to ensure students keep on track with their predicted grades. Support plans and Interventions will be put in place if needed and monitored by the Head of Sixth Form and parents.

All students are part of a mentor group, where students will build relationships with other students across the sixth form and involve themselves in a variety of activities such as discussions and debates. Mentor time is where the students will receive important information, receive support with applications and in addition receive pastoral support from their mentor, alongside the PSHE programme.

Learning ENvironments

At the Aspirations Banbury campus, all areas of the curriculum are catered for. We offer Computer Aided Design and manufacture in Technology, image manipulation equipment in Art and video conferencing facilities in Modern Languages. All students have their own user area to allow them to work on any curriculum PC in the Campus. All year 12 students will be loaned a personal chromebook for their studies in the sixth form for the year. In year 13 there are a number of chromes available for students to sign out and use during study periods.

Our Community

All students contribute to the Banbury Aspirations Campus community and wider community in two ways: through engaging in a committee and taking on a leadership role. Students engage with the pupils in the lower school through supporting in KS3 and KS4 lessons and running extracurricular clubs. There are also opportunities for a wider impact on the community through assisting with our feeder primary schools.

FI Sixth Form Students


Committees run every term, where students are able to develop a variety of skills that are necessary for applications to universities, apprenticeships and further education. The committees that we offer are:

  • The student council who discuss areas for improvement around the sixth form and who form ideas on how to make the most out of the sixth form areas and experience.
  • The social committee: who run social events for the sixth form and lower school and are also involved with organising the year 13 prom.
  • The marketing committee: who develop ideas on how to promote our campus to the lower school and the wider community.
  • The charity committee: who raise funds for a variety of charities.


Principal Students

Each year we elect Principal Students to work with staff and students to represent the student population.

This programme gives the students the opportunity to develop their leadership and team working skills. These are important skills needed in their future endeavours. We are very proud to have donated to several charities over the years and have successfully run a number of events/support for younger students within our community.


In 2018, Banbury Aspirations Campus Sixth Form started a volunteering in the community week. It has been such a rewarding experience for the students. To date the students have worked with local schools, parks, allotments and took on a large community project that involved clearing the educational gardens at People’s Park.

Trips and Visits

Throughout your time in Sixth Form there will be a number of opportunities to attend trips organised by the Sixth Form, to career fairs or local employers. We really encourage all students to attend the trips as much as possible as they have been selected to benefit you and help you with making choices about your future. We try to make trips as inexpensive as possible but we need all student participation to do this

Our sixth form is also proud to offer students the chance to further develop their skills through various residentials & longer trips. From taking on The DofE award and the Camps International Expeditions to a journey across the Atlantic to NASA’s most cutting-edge and iconic sites (see our NASA Trips page), our trips represent an invaluable opportunity to expand learning beyond the classroom.

Where next


Aspirations Employability Diploma AED stands for Aspirations Employability Diploma Our students will work on this alongside their A Levels. They’ll work with each other and…


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