A Learning Structure that delivers Outstanding Results

At Banbury Aspirations Campus, our aim is for all teaching and learning to be outstanding. We promote a culture of reflective practice and want all teachers and students to enjoy their lessons.

We follow a learning structure which promotes independence in students as we prepare them for more challenging exams and develops their thinking skills as we embed a love of learning.

Lessons are focused around a driving question which students will be able to answer in-depth by the end of the lesson.

All lessons begin with a ‘Recap to Retain’ which tests students’ prior knowledge of topics which have been taught across their key stage. The teacher then explains what students will be learning in the lesson and the concepts behind the topic.

During the guided practice part of the lesson, the teacher and students will work together, exploring the topic in more detail. Students will take part in questioning and will have tasks modelled to them in preparation for their independent work.

Students then work independently during the final part of the lesson. This vital part of the lesson is where students will apply the knowledge they have gained through the other stages of the lesson, ensuring that they can answer the driving question.

All lessons have a quick quiz where students’ knowledge is tested. This can occur at various stages of the lesson and this quizzing will aid knowledge retention.

Wykham Park Academy’s OFSTED inspection highlighted that:

‘The new whole-school lesson structure helps teachers to check pupils’ learning and progress regularly, and address misconceptions effectively.’

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Welcome from the Principal

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